TN Moves to Ban LGBTQ Pride Flags in Public Schools

My state of Tennessee is on its way to passing a bill that would basically ban LGBTQ flags in public schools. 

This sounds like a good start!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Folks, I don’t care if you’re gay, straight, male, female, or one of the other made up genders, your sexual preferences and identities do not need to be shoved down the throats of school children. Period. 

Turns out the Tennessee House agrees and passed a bill prohibiting LGBTQ pride flags from being displayed in public schools. 

Exceptions are made for displays that occur within the educational process or for historical or educational contexts. 

This bill wouldn’t just apply to pride flags, but since straight people don’t have a flag, this is where we are. 

Students at taxpayer funded public schools should not be subjected to activist or political messages in the classroom or on school grounds. 

It’s not the teacher or school administrators job or right to indoctrinate school children with these messages. 

Fly your pride flags, your freak flags, your whatever flags on your own time and on your own property!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at