Illegal Alien Flips the Bird After Attacking NYPD Officers

A posse of illegal aliens attack NYPD officers in Times Square and they haven’t been deported yet…why?

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Crime committed by American citizens is out of control enough in New York City without people with no legal right to be there adding to it.

BUT that’s exactly what is happening in the Big Apple. After footage of a posse of illegal aliens beating up on NYPD officers went viral, many of us are left wondering why these illegals are still residing in our country now that they’ve committed at least two crimes…

To add insult to injury, one of those illegals charged with attacking law enforcement officers flipped the ole bird to cameras after he was RELEASED from custody.

This group of 7 illegals have been charged with: including assault on a police officer, gang assault, obstructing governmental administration and disorderly conduct.

But because New York City is both a sanctuary for illegals AND a lawless Democrat-run city, those illegals were RELEASED without bail after committing their crimes.

How can CRIMINAL and VIOLENT illegal aliens be given the benefit of the doubt like this? OUTRAGEOUS!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at