“Justice Protesters” Set to Get HUGE Payout from NYC

New York City will dole out $13 MILLION BUCKS to summer “justice” riot season protesters.

I guess it pays to burn, loot, vandalize and destroy!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Ready to be ticked off?

New York City has agreed to dole out $13 MILLION dollars to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought by over 1,000 2020 summer “justice” riot season “protesters.”

If this is approved by a judge, protesters who were arrested or subjected to force by the NYPD will get roughly $10 grand in compensation.

This is really something, isn’t it?

Those summer of love and justice protests and riots cost the nation BILLIONS in property damage but for some reason, that warrants COMPENSATION?!

We truly live in the upside down and it’s no dang wonder our major cities are awash with crime and lawlessness. Heck, it’s REWARDED!

If this payout goes through, it will be one of the most expensive in history.

In blue cities, it pays to terrorize officers and communities.

As Jason Aldean says, TRY THAT IN A SMALL TOWN!!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com