What Made Greta Have One of the Best Days of Her Entire Life?

Greta Van Susteren recently had one of the best days of her entire life.

Let’s rewind to about a year and a half ago– The On the Record host receives an email from a distraught viewer in need of some help. Kris Detrow and her husband John are desperately trying to bring a little girl from Uganda (who they had fallen in love with and wanted to adopt) home with them to the U.S. 6-year-old Leticia was tossed out by her birth parents as a child because she was deaf and her family believed she would put a hex on them. It was in a filthy Ugandan orphanage where Kris was volunteering that Kris and Leticia instantly connected. After a long and difficult process filled with multiple hurdles, Leticia was allowed to travel to the U.S. to live with the Detrows.


Fast-forward to present time, and Leticia is happy and healthy living life with her new family (including two amazing older brothers). After a few tests it is determined that Leticia can undergo cochlear implant surgery that could possibly allow her to hear for the first time. Once the implant surgery was complete, “Aunt Greta” made sure to attend the big day when the cochlear implant would finally be activated, and what happened when that implant was activated is what made this day one of the best of Greta’s (and Leticia’s) life.


And listen here for Greta’s new update on Leticia and the Detrow’s:

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Catch Greta’s first Greta Talk with Kris Detrow here:

Greta & Kris Detrow – Why can’t I bring my adopted child back to the U.S?