Maui Wildfire Cause Identified..And it’s NOT Climate Change!

The green cult labeled the devastating Maui wildfires an act of “climate change” but turns out that’s a lie!

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Ever since the devastating wildfire broke out in Maui, the climate cult has been beating the global warming drum, insisting the fires were a result of climate change.

Well reality check, false.

Officials in Hawaii have now identified the true culprit, the state’s main power utility company which allegedly did not properly power down live electrical equipment amid a red flag windstorm.

These downed lines then sparked the tragic wildfires.

So it was human negligence but it wasn’t the climate change boogeyman the Left loves to blame.

Most wildfires are the fault of humans, but not humans who simply use fossil fuels, drive gas-powered cars and live our lives in the modern world.

Rather it’s the arsonists who light these fires on purpose, OR lack of forest management OR poor fire response.

But that doesn’t fit the scare narrative so the go to is always “climate change.”

It’s easier to blame something abstract like climate change than go after and hold accountable the people, corporations and negligence that is ACTUALLY responsible for these PREVENTABLE disasters.

But “climate change” is easier to put on a t-shirt so here we are.

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at