Mugshot Money Maker

Donald Trump has raised over 7 million dollars since his iconic mugshot broke the internet.

Will indictment 4 be the final push he needs to secure the nomination?

I’m Tomi Lahren.

Donald Trump’s Fulton County mugshot has broken the internet and bolstered his campaign coffers at the same time.

His campaign reportedly raked in over $7 million and counting since that mugshot hit the internet.

And not only have donations been pouring into the campaign, his official website also offers mugshot inspired merchandise to complete the 2024 Trump swag machine.

The mugshot itself may even end up being just as recognizable as the iconic MAGA hat.

But the question remains, will the post indictment fundraising bump keep pace with his mounting legal fees?

A few weeks ago I told you about the $40 million plus in donation cash his PAC has spent on legal fees thus far, and that’s gonna look like chump change now that a 4th indictment has hit the books.

This 4th indictment could be the thing that both MAKES AND BREAKS Trump.

We’ve never seen an election like this one. Hang on your hats!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at