This week the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress. The vote once again fueling the ongoing feud between Democrats and President Trump over the full un-redacted version of the Mueller report. FOX’s Senior Capitol Hill Producer Chad Pergram and Jared take us on a field trip to the underground Capitol Hill jail.

North Korea tested short ranged missiles this week signaling the friendly relations between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un could be over. Meanwhile tensions have also increased with Iran. Pentagon producer Lucas Tomlinson discusses the developments in both the Persian Gulf and Korean Peninsula.

There’s a lot of debate about how much power tech companies have when it comes to the data they have on a consumer and if there should be a price to pay for a data breach or for sharing information without the customer’s knowledge or consent. Washington Republican Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rogers tells Jared about her proposal to create a national data privacy standard.

President Trump has credited himself with creating the best economy is the country’s history and as history shows us, presidents usually do well in re-elections when the economy is doing well. This week on the FOX News Rundown three democratic presidential hopefuls Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, best-selling author and activist, Marianne Williamson and Florida Mayor Wayne Messam discussed how they would improve or continue to keep the economy running strong.

Listen to the latest “From Washington”:

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