President Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort was sentenced to 47-months in prison on Thursday for bank and fraud charges. FOX White House Correspondent, Jon Decker discusses Manafort’s sentencing with Jared.

The House passed a bipartisan resolution on Thursday, to condemn anti-Semitism and other forms of prejudice. The solution originated after Minnesota freshman Democratic Congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, made anti-Semitic comments, that ignited an uproar. FOX’s Capitol Hill producer, Chad Pergram discusses the new resolution, and how it overshadowed another piece of legislation this week.

Ever since President Trump called a national emergency on the Southern border, there’s been an ongoing debate about if there really is a border crisis. DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen testified before the House this week, saying the crisis is real and is overwhelming the system, but some critics disagree. FOX’s Jessica Rosenthal joins FOX’s Rachel Sutherland to discuss the ongoing battle over border security.

The Democratic field is starting to take shape for the 2020 presidential election. National Journal Politics Editor and Fox News Radio Political Analyst, Josh Kraushaar joins Jared to talk about who is in the race, who is dropping out, and who is still up in the air about running for president in 2020.

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