FOX News Radio’s National Correspondent Jared Halpern along with a team of FOX News reporters & contributors look at the week that was inside the beltway.


The Pentagon responded to thousands of Central American migrants making their way to the U.S. – Mexico border, with plans to send 800 active-duty troops to help border patrol agents. FOX News Correspondent William La Jeunesse has been traveling with the migrant caravan in Mexico and shares his experience with FOX News Washington Correspondent, Rachel Sutherland.

According to a FOX News poll, the number two issue on voters minds is the economy.  FOX Business Network’s White House Correspondent, Blake Burman, weighs in on how the fluctuating economy may help or hurt the President at the voting booth.

The Governors race in Florida became even more contentious after a fiery debate between former Congressman Ron Desantis and Mayor of Tallahassee Andrew Gillum. FOX’s Miami-based Correspondent, Eben Brown discusses.

In less than two weeks, millions of Americans will cast their vote on Election Day. But for millions of others early voting has already begun.  Arnon Mishkin, Director of the FOX News Decision, spoke with Jared about the growing early voting trends.

Listen to the latest “From Washington”:

Follow Jared on Twitter: @JaredHalpern

Follow Rachel on Twitter: @SutherlandFox