From Washington

FOX News Radio’s National Correspondent Jared Halpern along with a team of FOX News reporters & contributors look at the week that was inside the beltway.


President Trump signed a $1.3 trillion spending bill Friday afternoon, ending concern over a possible government shutdown. FOX’s senior Capitol Hill producer, Chad Pergram, discusses the legislation that will fund the government through September.

There were mixed messages coming from top aides to the President this week. FOX’s White House producer Fin Gomez talks about what is going on in the West Wing.

On Wednesday, Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and former Secretary Jeh Johnson sat side by side before the Senate Intelligence Committee, to discuss ways to secure the midterm elections from meddling. FOX’s Rachel Sutherland breaks down the committee’s meeting.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is under fire this week after Cambridge Analytica had gained unauthorized access to information about tens of millions of Facebook users. FOX’s West Coast correspondent Jessica Rosenthal reports on why Congress is now investigating.

Listen to the latest “From Washington”:

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Follow Rachel on Twitter: @SutherlandFox