Silicon Valley Fights Back Against Cyber Attacks

The Director of National Intelligence says cyber attacks are the biggest threat to the economy and national security, and the brains in Silicon Valley say they’re trying to come up with ways to fight back.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal was in Silicon Valley and spoke with many security experts:

“Cyber INsecurity.”

Many of the experts agree with Rick Howard, Head of Security at Palo Alto Networks…

(Howard) “I don’t think that there’s a technology solution.”

Because, technology systems have to remain open. A way in and a way out. But, this means bad guys can get in and out. So, CloudPassage CEO Carson Sweet, says you have to let the good guys share information and pay them.

(Sweet) “One of the ways that we’re seeing as an industry this problem being addressed is crowd sourcing, using other people’s skills. A crowd sourced ethical hacking service, for example, there are number of those that have popped up.”

Like through bug bounty programs. It’s what it sounds like. Former Google Executive Chris Messina explains, it’s paying hackers a bounty to find the bug.

(Messina)�”Rather than selling that on the black market for a certain amount of money, you sell it to Facebook.”

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.

For�additional stories on cyber security:

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Outsmarting Hackers: Careers In Cyber Security

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