The Wine Gadgets You Need (and some you don’t)

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Tracy Byrnes Headshot

So my former father-in-law used to say if you want to be a ball player, you have to look like a ball player.

Same goes for wine. If you want to be a wine drinker, well…

I’m Tracy Byrnes, Fox Business anchor and Wine With Me columnist, and you certainly don’t need to break the bank and spend a fortune. But there are definitely some things you can consider purchasing to enhance your wine experience.

New to the world of wine? Get up to speed with our Five S’s of Wine Series.

My friend Alyssa Rapp, CEO and founder of, was in town. She’s a social media whiz and total wine tech and gadget guru, so I figured she’d be the perfect person to point us in the right direction.

Wine Gadgets

So what do you really need? Expensive stemware? A good corkscrew? Bottle stoppers? One of those aerators? The Coravin?

Well, listen in and we’ll ferret out the junk and tell you what you really need to further enjoy that fabulous glass of wine.

Cent’ Anni.

And of course, if you have any questions, comments or suggestions, send them along to @tracybyrnes or