This Week:

President Trump will be spend a few days at Walter Reed Medical Center following the announcement he and the First Lady tested positive for COVID-19. FOX News Radio’s White House Correspondent Jon Decker explains what we know so far, how this impacts the President’s job at the White House and what it means for the 2020 presidential election.

So now that the President has tested positive for the coronavirus, and unable to travel to swing states and hold rallies, what does this mean for his 2020 campaign moving forward? Jared speaks with Trump 2020 Senior Adviser Corey Lewandowski about all this and more.

President Trump tested positive for COVID-19 just days after a debate with Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The former Vice President and his wife Jill Biden have tested negative for the coronavirus and will continue with his campaign schedule, traveling to key swing states. Jared speaks with Biden surrogate Jenna Arnold about the Democrats message and how they intend to reach voters before November 3rd.

For months members of Congress have been traveling back and forth from their districts to Washington D.C. during the pandemic, all without the robust universal testing many members have called for. So will that change in the wake of the President’s diagnosis? Jared and FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram discuss whether Congress will pass a coronavirus relief package.