Greta – The Inside Story on the Marine Freed from a Mexican Prison, Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi

You know the story – Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi mistakenly drove across the border into Mexico. He immediately told Mexican authorities that he had taken a wrong turn, that he had some guns in his car, and he asked to be allowed to turn around and go back across the border. Instead, he was arrested and held without trial and tortured for more than 200 days.

In this episode of Greta Talk, Greta van Susteren tells the whole story – how the case got to her in the first place, the lengths she went to in an effort to win his freedom, and more.

Shortly after he was freed, Sgt. Tahmooressi gave an exclusive interview to Greta’s  On the Record program on FOX News Channel. You can also hear parts of that interview here, as Greta lays out the who, the why, and the how behind the story.

