
Host of FOX Across America Jimmy Failla joins Kennedy to discuss the possibility of Meghan Markle as among those being considered to replace the late Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA).

Jason is joined by Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) for a conversation on how he plans to transition from the Senate to the Governor's Mansion of Indiana.

This week Kennedy chronicles the political journey of Vice President Kamala Harris from San Francisco District Attorney General, then Senator, and now the first female Vice President of the United States.

This week, Trey discusses his thoughts on the upcoming Virginia Gubernatorial Election and how election results are often overread or misread by politicians.

On this episode, Jason discusses how the U.S. is taking steps backwards in our approach to energy and the ability to pursue viable energy products.

On this episode, Trey considers Washington, D.C.'s tendency to overpromise on guarantees, and failure to manage the expectations of voters and constituents.

This week, Shannon is joined by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito to discuss impeachment the War Powers Resolution and more!

This week, Bret and the panel discuss 2020 Presidential hopeful, Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN).