Gay Pastor, Gay Marriage, Gay Parent – What next?

Apparently, homosexuality is found in over 400 species of life – but homophobia is only found in one.

With the Supreme Court ruling in favor of gay marriage there has been a significant out pour of opinion – both in favor of it and those who are against it.

Our guest today gives us a deeper insight into what it means to be a gay human being, a gay spouse, a gay follower of God and a gay parent – only because he is all four of them.

Pastor Randy Eddy McCain from the Open Door Community Church in North Little Rock, Arkansas gives us an insight into the world of being gay.

I ask him if gays have hijacked the word ‘marriage’, and now that gays can marry – does that mean incestual relationships also deserve the same right? There was a large level of support from the heterosexual community of the Supreme Court ruling, but when I asked if these very parents had any objection to their children being in same-sex relationships, I was met with a loud silence.

And of course, no show is complete without some of my crazy questions such as:

  • Who is the real man in the marriage?
  • Who does the dishes?
  • Who wears the real pants in the house?
  • Who cries more?
  • Whose surname is taken after wedlock?

Randy tolerates me like never before.