This Week:

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has set two deadlines for infrastructure legislation next week. By Wednesday, a bipartisan group of Senators will need a legislative text to back up their proposed $1.2 trillion bipartisan “hard infrastructure” framework. Senate Democrats also need to agree on a $3.5 trillion budget proposal that would include medicare expansion, paid family leave, universal pre-k, and other forms of “human infrastructure.” Fox News Congressional Correspondent, Chad Pergram, joins the podcast to discuss these two paths to infrastructure legislation.

As the United States faces the COVID-19 Delta variant, as many as 19 states have reported a 50% increase in Coronavirus cases; this increase comes as vaccinations are stalling across the country. Also, this week, the FDA issued a warning for links between Guillain-Barre Syndrome and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Former CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, joins FOX News Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland to discuss.

United States Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has agreed to a global minimum tax rate on corporations, a move she says would end the ‘race to the bottom’ that encourages corporations to move out of the United States for tax reasons. And while negotiations on the specific of this minimum tax continue, most experts estimate corporations would pace a 15% corporate tax. Bipartisan Policy Center Vice President and Chief Economist, Jason J. Fichtner, discusses what this global minimum tax rate would mean for Americans and American corporations.

Two islands in the Caribbean are reeling following the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moïse and widespread Cuban protests in response to food shortages, rolling blackouts, and healthcare failures linked to the Communist government. Fox News State State Department Correspondent, Rich Edson, discusses the challenges that face Cuba and Haiti, calls for the United States to roll back sanctions against Cuba, and the management of Cuban emigration.