Brit Hume: The Right’s Border, International Aid Stances “Completely Illogical and Easily Argued”

Brit Hume, Chief political analyst for Fox News Channel, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest on the media’s portrayal of Joe Biden as a sharp and mentally strong figure, despite recent speeches portraying a much different story.  Hume discusses why he thinks an aging Biden is not a winning figure for the Democrats. Hume and Benson also discuss the GOP’s outlook for 2024, and Hume discusses why he thinks a case can be made against the Republican party because of their actions in the House of Representatives. Listen to the full interview below.

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Hume had this to say on the GOP’s recent stances on the border and international aid:

“It is a completely illogical and easily argued, position, for the other side. I mean, they’re handing these issues to the Democrats… But I think it’s politically very dangerous for the Republicans.”