Foreign Born Getting All the Employment


Ya know that “employment growth” Joe and Co keep touting? Well turns out the bulk of it has gone to…wait for it… the foreign born.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The economy is still crap, despite what Joe and his people try to claim.

And when it comes to all the jobs Joe takes credit for creating, well turns out that’s a farce too.

According to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies, all that so-called “growth” has gone to benefit foreign born workers- both legal and illegal.

You’re shocked, I know.

The study shows that compared to pre-covid levels, 183,000 fewer US born Americans are working but the number of foreigners is up 2.9 million since 2019.

Yeah, I guess that’s what happens when we open the borders, huh? The numbers look bad now, wait until millions more get work authorizations.

I guess that’s also another reason the uniparty wants to keep them open and pass out work authorization perks, for the cheap labor! Both sides of the aisle are responsible for this.

We have imported poverty and unskilled labor and that’s not an accomplishment!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at