FOX News Rundown Extra: A Pastor’s Fight To Keep Churches Open

Last Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered a lower court to reexamine California’s restrictions on indoor religious services. This coming a week after another victory for religious groups when the High Court decided against limits on churches and synagogues in New York.

While many see these as key wins for religious liberty, some believe COVID-19 restrictions are still too strict on houses of worship and are violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans.

Tony Spell, the pastor of the Life Tabernacle Church in Louisiana, has stirred controversy and was even arrested after holding services despite his state’s rules against gatherings.

Pastor Spell joined host Lisa Brady on the FOX News Rundown recently to discuss his legal fight and why he believe churches like his should not have to abide to capacity limitations and other COVID-19 restrictions.

The original interview was too long and we could not include our entire conversation with Pastor Spell.

On The FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear everything Pastor Spell had to say about what he calls a fight for religious freedom, the financial burdens churches have been coping with since the beginning of the pandemic and the importance of religion during times of crisis.