This Week: 

As unemployment skyrockets because of the coronavirus outbreak, Americans are dealing with the stress of paying their bills as they wait for the pandemic to end. Millions of people are having a tough time filing for unemployment benefits across the country because of the huge number trying to claim all at once. Jared and Fox News Radio’s Miami-based Correspondent Eben Brown discuss how states are overwhelmed with unemployment applications.

Small businesses across the country are trying to file for the federal government’s small business loans in an effort to keep their businesses afloat during the pandemic. For some small business owners seeking relief through the loans it has not been an easy process. Jared speaks with Jamie Kaye, owner of Station Diner in Newton Center, MA about his experience signing up for the federal small business loan program and Small Business Administration’s Regional Administrator, Steve Bulger about the different types of loans available and the process for applying.

Earlier this week Wisconsin voters left their homes and headed to the polls to vote in the midst of the outbreak. Jared discusses the primary with FOX News Radio correspondent Jeff Monosso. Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders also announced this week that he is dropping out of the 2020 Democratic presidential election making former Vice President Joe Biden the presumptive Democratic nominee. Jared talks with Political Analyst Josh Kraushaar about what this means for the election moving forward.

How we grieve the loved ones we’ve lost is changing amid Covid-19. Funeral homes are adapting to social distancing rules to help mitigate the spread of the virus. This includes smaller attendance with people six-feet away from each other; some even postponing memorials until after the pandemic is over. The widespread illness has overwhelmed many funeral homes as well. FOX’s Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland speaks with Mike Lanotte Executive Director and CEO of the NYS Funeral Directors Association about what he’s hearing from funeral directors in New York and what advice he gives to funeral homes and families in the country as we get through this pandemic.