NRA Continues to Back President Trump

The NRA continues to stand by President Trump.

FOX’s Eben Brown has more with “FOX Bullet Points”:

I’m Eben Brown.

Last week’s big convention for C-PAC featured one of the National Rifle Association’s top executives taking a round to remind people it was the NRA itself that made the first big endorsement of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Wayne Lapierre said it was Second Amendment-minded voters in key states that turned the tide:

(Lapierre) “All across this country it was NRA members, and gun owners, who made a difference. In states like North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Florida. NRA members and gun owners helped put President Trump over the top.”

Lapierre promised the NRA would support the President again.

And President Trump this week overturned a last-minute order made by President Obama aimed at preventing people who recieve social security due to mental disability from buying firearms. Both the NRA and the ACLU opposed that executive order.

And those are your Bullet Points! I’m Eben Brown, FOX News!

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