Head lice has seemed to evolve, and has parents frustrated.

FOX’s Alex Hein reports:

This is Housecall for Health.

So-called ‘super lice’ have invaded 25 states, frustrating parents and students alike as regular treatment proves to be no weapon against them.

Regular over the counter treatment had a 100% success rate in 2000 against head lice, but now only work in about 25% of cases. It seems the bugs have evolved to develop resistance to it.

A new FDA-approved treatment called AirAlle which was developed by Lice Clinics of America has been found to be effective, but treatments cost about $170 without insurance coverage.

It uses heated air to dehydrate the lice and eggs in a single treatment that takes about an hour. The company guarantees effectiveness.

Parents should teach their children about the repercussions of sharing hats, hairbrushes, and coming into contact with another’s hair. For those who do get lice, parents should rely on what they know to get it under control.

For more on this story, check foxnewshealth.com.

Housecall for Health, I’m Alex Hein, FOX News.