Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to share his thoughts on Army Secretary Christine Wormuth saying Republican criticism of woke initiatives in the military is partially to blame for the recruiting crisis the U.S. Army is currently experiencing.

“So whenever you have an 18-year old young man or woman that wants to dedicate their life to this country, the spirit of that person does not care about pronouns. They don’t care about wokeness. They care about potentially giving their lives to defend freedom and to defend this country. That’s what they want to do. So you stop appealing to those types of people when you are more concerned with changing names or buildings, pronouns and woke ideology. And you cannot deny that. This has happened over the course of the past few years. And I’m going to tell you, when I was at West Point back in 2000, when I served this country from 2004 to 2012, when I was in flight school learning how to fly the Apache helicopter, at no point in time were we talking about pronouns. We were talking about deploying and fighting our nation’s wars. We’ve got to get back to that.”

Plus, Rep. Hunt pushes back on the Biden administration’s attempts to pander to different minority groups. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!