Sean Duffy: The Left Can Do Whatever They Want When The Media Consistently Covers For Them

Co-host of “The Bottom Line” on Fox Business Sean Duffy joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how the mainstream media’s initial dismissal of the COVID-19 lab leak theory is just the latest example of journalists letting political beliefs impact their reporting.

“They have so professionalized lying to the American people for political gain for the party and the ideology they believe in that they’re not going to let that go. The power of lying to people is real for them and they’re going to continue with it. So they may be trying to come out on the train derailment and say, well, we’ll try to get a little smidge of credibility with those independents. They may be doing that, but the game is not over. It’s way too effective. And if I can keep you locked in your house and I can keep you wearing a bag over your face. It’s not sealed on the side. I mean, it’s not a professional mask. It’s not an N-95. These things don’t work, but we were all forced and shamed into wearing them.  The fact that the Hunter Biden laptop wasn’t real, right? Natural immunity. You get natural immunity from every other thing you can get, but not COVID. It was a total scam. And so I get so frustrated at this because I think the only way you hold government accountable is to make you have a media going, hey, look, liar on the Left, liar on the Right. You guys are being dishonest. You need a really engaged third rail, which is the media, to call people out.”

Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!