Rep. Kat Cammack: Let’s Call It What It Is – The Inflation Expansion Act

Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack returns to Fox Across America with Jimmy Failla to expose the issues with the Inflation Reduction Act.

Not even Bernie Sanders is buying it. And we all know that Bernie ain’t always all their. But yeah, you would basically need to be smoking crack to honestly believe that the Inflation Reduction Act, which it should have been called, the Inflation Expansion Act, actually helps everyday Americans. I mean, the tax credits that they keep touting don’t kick in for another six years. It’s spending immediately right out the gate that is going to jack up the inflation rate. We know that the doubling of the taxes, royalties and fees on gas and oil production is going to make the price at the pump go up. I mean, give me a break. You don’t have to have a Ph.D. or heck even a G.E.D. to figure out how bad the policies in Washington are right now and how they’re killing us here at home.”

The always fun Rep. Cammack also tells us about a window manufacturer in her district who is suffering because of the new Inflation Reduction act. To hear that story and what else she had to say, listen to the podcast!