The decade begins with the United States engaged in a war to liberate the Mideast country of Kuwait. The World Trade Center in New York is targeted by a terror cell based in the United States and inspired by a radical cleric known as “The Blind Sheikh”.  But as US authorities close that case, Bin Laden reemerges on the world stage.

Voices heard in this episode:

Bill Hemmer, Co-anchor of America’s Newsroom on the FOX News Channel

Brit Hume, FOX News Senior Political Analyst

Gen. Jack Keane, Ret. Four-Star Army General and Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army

Amy Kellogg, FOX News Channel Correspondent

Brian Kilmeade, Co-host of FOX & Friends on the FOX News Channel

Andy McCarthy, former Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

Greg Palkot, FOX News Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent

Leon Panetta, Former Chief of Staff to President Clinton and Defense Secretary and CIA Chief for President Obama

Chad Pergram, FOX News Channel’s Capitol Hill Correspondent

Ali Soufan, Chairman, and CEO of The Soufan Group and former FBI Supervisory Special Agent

Mary Jo White, Former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

Katherine Zimmerman, American Enterprise Institute fellow, and adviser to the Critical Threats Project

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