This Week:

Earlier this week, FOX News Radio Correspondent Jessica Rosenthal toured a FEMA supported vaccination site ahead of the opening, located in Greensboro North Carolina, inside the Four Seasons Town Centre Mall in an empty Dillards location. She spoke with Executive Director for North Carolina Division of Emergency Management, Michael Sprayberry to discuss how Greenboro was selected to become one of the vaccination sites, the cost to run it and how the process has been.

On Thursday, President Biden achieved his first legislative victory, signing the $1.9 trillion ‘American Rescue Plan’ into law. A victory that came without Republican support. Now, lawmakers are looking to tackle infrastructure, a challenge long-delayed. Fox News Congressional Correspondent, Chad Pergram, discusses what Democrats hope to include in this legislation, and how bipartisanship could impact its progress on Capitol Hill.

President Biden delivered his first primetime address to the nation since taking office on Thursday night and marked one year since the World Health Organization officially declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. During his address the President announced as part of the next phase in battling coronavirus he is directing states to make all adults eligible for the vaccine as early as May 1st. FOX News Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland recaps the big takeaways from the President’s address with FOX News Radio Political Analyst Josh Kraushaar.

This week, Texas Governor Gregg Abbott accused the Biden Administration of “downplaying” a “crisis” at the Texas-Mexico border, calling in 500 National Guard Troops for additional security. Jared speaks to Mayor Pete Saenz of Laredo, TX about his goals for managing the border in South Texas, and what he needs from Washington, D.C. to keep his city secure.