This Week:

President Joe Biden defended his administration’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus plan and made it clear on Friday he is adamant to get it done with or without Republicans support. Jared and FOX News National Correspondent Mark Meredith discuss the bill.

The Biden Administration is making a big push for at-home coronavirus rapid tests. The administration announcing this week it’s partnering with Australian company Ellume which provides test results to your smartphones in 15-minutes. FOX News Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland speaks with Dr. Ali Mokdad, Professor of Health Metrics Sciences and Chief Strategy Officer for Population Health at the University of Washington about how at-home testing is a game changer for battling COVID-19.

President Biden visited the State Department to send a message to its diplomats saying “America is back.” This as two international issues made headlines including a coup in Burma and Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny being sentenced to prison. Jared speaks with President of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media Ian Bremmer about what the president’s options are when it comes to addressing these foreign affair issues.

Republican’s internal issues were front and center on Capitol Hill this week. The first was Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) who survived a vote to be removed from her leadership role within the Republican Party after facing major backlash for her decision to vote impeach President Trump for incitement of insurrection. The second, was Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) being voted House Committees because of controversial comments in her past. Jared and FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram discuss the rifts within the Republican Party, where they go next and preview the upcoming second impeachment trial of former President Trump.