This Week:

 As the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the country the numbers keep on climbing. This includes the number of Americans infected, the number of projected deaths and the number of people filing for unemployment. Jared and FOX’s White House Correspondent Jon Decker discuss the increasing numbers, the new messaging from the White House and how President Trump is working with state governors during the pandemic.

Industry after industry have been hit hard because of Covid-19, with much uncertainty about when people can return to work. About 10 million Americans have filed for unemployment, a sharp increase from last week. Jared speaks to FOX Business Correspondent Edward Lawrence about the staggering unemployment numbers and FOX’s Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram discusses Congress negotiating a Phase 4 stimulus package.

More than a 100 sailors onboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt tested positive for the coronavirus. Following this, came an announcement that the Navy Capt. Brett Crozier was relieved after of his duties after it was alleged he leaked a letter about a growing number of cases on the ship. FOX’s Washington Correspondent Rachel Sutherland and FOX’s Pentagon Correspondent Lucas Tomlinson discuss.

The demand for ventilators and personal protective equipment is growing across the country with a limited supply at the federal level. Jared discusses the roles of the state and federal government during a national crisis with Former Utah Governor and HHS Secretary Mike Leavitt.