
As one Session of Congress comes to an end, another will begin… but just how successful was the 1-hundred-15th Session? Fox’s Chad Pergram weighs-in with today’s “Speaker’s Lobby.”

I’m Chad Pergram with the Speaker’s Lobby.

The 115th Congress is coming to a close. Some voters appreciate the productivity of Congress. Others, may not.

What Congress approved over the past two years is just as significant as what Congress didn’t achieve.

Take the longtime GOP promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. House Republicans finally muscled through their own health care measure. It then died in the Senate.

Republicans re-engineered the nation’s tax system for the first time in 3 decades. But political observers blame the tax law for Republicans losing House seats in New York, New Jersey and California.

Congress never addressed an infrastruture bill.

There WERE bipartisan successes on criminal justice reform and opiods.

Even though part of the government is now closed, the Senate moved at its fastest clip in decades on annual spending bills. That’s why this is a PARTIAL government shutdown.

Congress worked out the details on five of the 12 yearly appropriations bills months ago.

We learned in fifth grade that Congress is designed to pass law.

Quite the opposite. The Founders created Congress to STOP law.

With the Speaker’s Lobby, Chad Pergram, Fox News.

Follow Chad on Twitter: @ChadPergram