Is Donald Trump ‘crazy’… or ‘crazy’ like a FOX! Despite all the heat (and questions about his mental competence) the President’s been getting lately, Tom Shillue says the President knows exactly what he’s doing

After Tuesday’s Phoenix rally, the talking head class is calling President Donald J. Trump “nuts” and “unfit”. They accused the President of going on a tirade and misrepresenting his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville.

Others, like Fox News Radio’s Brian Kilmeade, weren’t so harsh on Trump’s rally performance but thought the President’s decision to re-litigate Charlottesville was bad politics. They feel Trump should have focused on his agenda and put his “worst week ever” in the rear view mirror!

On Wednesday’s show, Tom Shillue invited Kilmeade on to get his take on the Phoenix rally! Shillue came to the defense of the President, arguing that Donald Trump is no crazier than our “social justice” culture and also feels that the President was smart to bring up Charlottesville—because he thinks it was an argument Trump can win.

Kilmeade however argued that Trump’s constant fighting is alienating independent voters and perhaps wearing out his base!