The now infamous meeting that Donald Trump Jr. had with a Russian lawyer has everyone talking. This latest bombshell has even caused some people to change their minds on whether or not the President Trump/Russia story is a big deal or not.

During The Tom Shillue Show on Thursday, Tom talked about the latest Russia story with the editor of National Review, Rich Lowry. Rich admitted that he originally thought that the story of possible collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government was just a “nothing-burger”. However, After learning of the details about Trump Jr.’s infamous meeting, Rich began to change his mind.

Rich told Tom that the Russia story may be a “something-burger”. From what it seems, Trump Jr. met with the lawyer in order try and collude against Hillary Clinton’s campaign, but did not get what he wanted from her. This latest revelation has given life to the Russia story.

To hear Tom’s conversation with Rich Lowry, click the link below.