The media is buzzing over Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 Presidential Election. Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld does not think that the eldest Trump child really did anything wrong… and when it comes to the whole Russian thing—most of the American people don’t care!

During The Tom Shillue Show on Monday, Tom talked about the latest controversy surrounding the Trump family and Russia . The New York Times reported that Trump Jr. and other Trump Campaign associates met with a Russian lawyer last summer. The lawyer reportedly promised to reveal dirt on Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.

Tom’s inaugural guest was Greg Gutfeld, co-host of The Five and The Greg Gutfeld Show. Greg gave his thoughts on the media’s reaction to Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer. He said that he finds it funny that the press is getting on Donald Jr. for doing what the press is doing now. The media is constantly trying to find dirt on President Trump, particularly when it comes to his alleged ties to Russia. Tom  did not think that it was so crazy to meet with someone who could have compromising information on your political opponent.

Greg believes that there are two rails going on right now: the American rail and the media rail. People on the American rail know what they are interested in and have moved on from the election. The media has not yet moved on, so they are stuck on this other rail that is all about collusion, optics and rhetoric. Greg says that the media rail just cannot let go, while the American rail has accepted President Trump for who he is.

Greg and Tom agreed that Trump Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer was not a big deal. To hear their thoughts, click the link above.