House Republicans Prepare to Take Next Step in Repealing & Replacing ObamaCare

House Republicans have a plan to repeal and replace ObamaCare, now comes selling the legislation.

FOX’s Jared Halpern has more from Capitol Hill:

Key House committees will debate and vote the GOP healthcare proposal tomorrow, despite not yet having answers from the Congressional budget office about costs and how many may lose coverage.

Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady argues many with coverage now can’t use what they have:

(Brady) “The deductibles are too high. The co-payments are too high. It’s just a card. It doesn’t help them.”

But it’s not just Democrats are voicing opposition, the Conservative group Heritage Action calls the GOP plan bad politics and bad policy.

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul describes the bill as ObamaCare lite.

On Capitol Hill, Jared Halpern, FOX News.

Follow Jared Halpern on Twitter: @JaredHalpern