Gun Control Remains a Big Topic on Campaign Trail

Gun control has been a hot topic this election season.

FOX’s Joy Piazza has the details in this episode of “Bullet Points”:

Like just about every other issue in this year’s Presidential race, the issue of guns is very contentious:

(Trump) “Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment.”

Donald Trump has the endorsement of the NRA:

(Trump) “Hillary wants to take your guns away. She wants to leave you unprotected in your home.”

Hillary Clinton says she’s not anti-gun, but does want some changes:

(Clinton) “I believe there should be comprehensive background checks and we should close the gun show loophole and close the online loophole.”

Clinton and Trump do agree that no one who’s on the terrorist watch list should be allowed to buy a gun, but they don’t agree on assault weapons. Clinton wants restrictions, Trump does not.

And Trump has toughened his views over time. After the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, he said he favored tighter gun control. But this year after the nightclub attack in Orlando, Trump said the massacre might have been averted if people inside were allowed to have guns.

With Bullet Points I’m Joy Piazza, FOX News.