iPhone Changes One of Its Emoji’s in Latest Update

If you upgraded your iPhone recently, you may notice a change to one of the emoji’s.

FOX’s Eben Brown has this week’s “Bullet Points”:

I’m Eben Brown.

Did you upgrade your iPhone yet to iOS 10? If you did, you’ll see what we reported weeks ago. No more revolver emoji. It’s now a water pistol…

And it’s really gone. Even you try to send the revolver from a non-Apple device, IOS displays the squirter…

Ever you go hunting with your best friend? Not Bobby-Joe… But your dog?

Well you might get the chance to do it as often as you’d like in Central Florida. The state’s wildlife commission is taking public comments on proposed rule changes that would allow bringing a dog of any breed with you when you go hunting, with proper permits of course. Currently it’s legal in Florida on private land and a smidge of public land. If the rules are changed, you can bring your hound or even your Shih Tzu when hunting on state property.

And those are your Bullet Points.

I’m Eben Brown, FOX News.

Follow Eben Brown on Twitter: @FOXEbenBrown #FOXBulletPoints