Former Outspoken Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, Dead at 46

    Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, whose intoxicated tirades and outrageous behavior became a global spectacle and fodder for late night television jokes, is dead at the age of 46. The politician who spent much of 2014 avoiding press scrutiny about his drug abuse lost a battle with cancer.

    FOX’s Eben Brown reports:

    We’ve been used to politicians declaring they don’t inhale, but former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford seemed a bit proud at times:

    (Ford) ”Yes, I have smoked crack-cocaine. Um, probably in one of my drunken stupors.”

    Ford was known for being a bit pushy as a city councilor:

    (Ford) ”The cyclists are pain in the ass to the motorists. Like, let’s be quite frank.”

    And once ascending to the mayorality:

    (Ford) ”Let’s get together and feel alright!”

    Brought in a Marley tribute, but he knocked down a 60-year-old woman in a mele in city council. He spewed vulgar answers to reporters. He told ‘The O’Rielly Factor’ his only high was his approval rating:

    (Ford) ”I’m loving this. My record speaks for itself. I’ve apologized for my mistakes, I’m only human.”

    Ford leaves behind a wife and two children.

    Eben Brown, FOX News.