Could New Technology Help Against Food Poisoning?

Food poisoning is always a concern for Americans… could new technology be adapted to help?

FOX’s Alex Hein reports:

This is Housecall for Health.

The recent illnesses linked to Chipotle are a reminder that one-in-six people in the U.S. experience food poisoning every year. Add to that all the other hazards in our food like carcinogens, pesticides, mislabeling of everything from seafood to meatballs and you realize that in the U.S., the price of cheap and bountiful food is an array of unsavory compromises.

The power to scan our environment at a molecular level with devices no bigger than our smartphones is coming.

One example is the Nima from 6SensorLabs, an organic chemistry lab small enough to carry in your pocket. Right now it is only good for one thing: Detecting gluten in foods at minuscule concentrations, as little as twenty parts per million.

In the future, the co-founder of 6SensorLabs says it could be adapted to recognize all manner of proteins including ones that would allow it to recognize bacterial contaminants such as E Coli and salmonella.

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Housecall for Health, I’m Alex Hein, FOX News.