Securing America: The U.S. Strategy Against ISIS [VIDEO]

Members of Congress have been condemning ISIS violence and as they go back to work, some will introduce legislation designed to deal with the terror group.
FOX News Radio’s Rachel Sutherland reports from Washington.
Securing America.
Virginia Republican Congressman Frank Wolf says the Obama administration needs to communicate a clear strategy for defeating ISIS, but…
(Congressman Wolf) “Whether it does or not, Congress has to begin to debate this and participate.”
Wolf will push legislation making it clear Congress supports military action against ISIS and other terror groups. And he supports a measure…
(Congressman Wolf) “Which makes it a federal crime for people to leave and go over and fight for ISIS.”
Congressman Wolf says fighting terror transcends party lines.
(Congressman Wolf)”This will be a bipartisan issue. I think everyone understands the threat.”
Democratic Senator Bill Nelson will introduce legislation giving the President the authority to bomb ISIS forces in Syria.
Republican Senator Ted Cruz will push a measure that would strip U.S. citizenship from any American who becomes a member of ISIS or fights for the group.

Last week at the conclusion of the NATO summit, President Obama said ISIS poses a significant threat to member nations.
In Washington, Rachel Sutherland, FOX News Radio.
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