Securing America: Panetta – Defense Cuts Can’t Happen

What may be one of the biggest threat to U.S. security right now is coming from the inside.

FOX News Radio’s Jill Nado reports from Washington in our ongoing series on national security:

Securing America.

(Panetta) “Congress must act to avert sequestration.”

Sequestration: The spending cuts that may be forced on the Federal government at the start of next year by Congress.  The process is destabilizing the military – that from Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.

(Panetta) “For me to be able to put a strategy in place, for us to be able to make the kind of strategic choices we need to make, I have to have some stability with regards to where we are going from here.  And I don’t have that right now.”

Panetta calling on Congress to act fast.  There’s just over two months to go before $110 billion worth of cuts are made to defense and domestic spending.

In Washington, Jill Nado, FOX News Radio.