Securing America: North Korea Missile Launch

A missile test by the North Koreans puts the U.S. into decision mode: how does America respond having already warned the North Koreans about the test?

FOX News Radio White House Correspondent Mike Majchrowitz reports in our ongoing series on national security:

The Obama Administration warned a launch would not go unanswered.

(Carney) “If the North Koreans do act and they do launch this ballistic missile, we will certainly have something to say about it.”

But White House Press Secretary Jay Carney isn’t saying what steps might be taken, aside from a threat to cancel planned food aid.

(Hubbard) “North Korea is the ‘Land of Lousy Options.'”

Former Ambassador to South Korea Thomas Hubbard says most options have been tired before with limited effect.  As for a military response, he says it should probably be what’s already being done: deterrence.

(Hubbard) “There should be no doubt in North Koreans’ minds that we stand by our ally in the South.”

Hubbard says one hopeful sign is that Russia and China have expressed concerns over the launch.

At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.