One of a Kind

I was blessed to have had a special relationship with Tony Snow. He taught me more about optimism than anyone I have ever met. It is difficult letting go as the reality of losing a friend far too soon sets in. But in true Snow fashion, I kick myself with every tear, as he would have us all celebrate his life and be of good cheer in the wake of the things he tried to impart on others.

I loved Tony dearly for the lessons in character, faith, family, hope and love that he shared with me. But above all, the true lesson of Tony’s life was how to live our lives: boldy, with zest for those that you love, unafraid of the challenges ahead… and smiling all the way.

My heart breaks for his wife Jill and their three kids: Kendall, Robbie and Kristi. But I take comfort in knowing what the rest of the world will tell them about who their father was and what he meant to all of us.

RIP, Tony Snow, 1955-2008.