Capitol Hill

Author of Against The Grain: A Coach's Wisdom On Character, Faith, Family, & Love, Coach Bill Courtney shares his inspirational story and highlights how sports can break down all barriers.

FOX News Senior Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram joins Janice to reflect on his journalism career over his many years in the business.

On this episode, Ben sits down with FOX News Chief Congressional Correspondent, Chad Pergram. Ben and Chad discuss what they have learned about President Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy's debt ceiling negotiations, the latest on the fallout from the Chinese spy balloon, as well as outlining what to expect from the 2023 State of the Union address.

On this episode, Bret sits down with Congressman Michael Cloud (R-TX) and Congressman James Comer (R-KY) to discuss how Republicans finally came together after 15 rounds of votes to elect Kevin McCarthy Speaker of the House. The Congressmen tell Bret what issues they were able to reconcile, and how they plan to work together to serve their constituents in the 118th Congress.

On this episode, Bret sits down with Congressman-elect John James (R-MI) and Congressman Pat Ryan (D-NY) sit down to discuss their shared West Point background and how they plan to reach across the aisle and work together on Capitol Hill. They weigh in on key topics such as veterans issues, Ukraine, and border security.

Jason sits down with the CEO of the American Legislative Exchange Council, Lisa Nelson.

On this episode, Ben sits down with FOX News Radio Political Analyst and Political Editor at National Journal, Josh Kraushaar. Josh analyzes the gun control debate on Capitol Hill, where the parties stand heading into the 2022 midterms, as well as what the future of leadership may look like in the Republican party.

This week, Bret sits down with the Executive Director of Georgetown University’s Institute of Politics and Public Service, Mo Elleithee, former South Carolina Congressman, and Host of The Trey Gowdy Podcast, Trey Gowdy, and FOX News Congressional Correspondent Chad Pergram, to discuss the latest economic woes and the trouble they may pose for President Biden and Democrats during the midterms.