Detroit Schools Close Due to Teacher Sick-Outs

    Many Detroit schools are closed Monday because of a teacher sick-out.

    FOX’s Tonya J. Powers has the story:

    The Detroit Federation of Teachers urged members to call in sick in a protest over funding issues, so that’s what they did.

    It’s comes a day after the school district’s transition manager said the district won’t have any money to continue paying teachers this summer without more state dollars.

    Teacher Kimberly Love says they’ve worked with the district in good faith:

    (Love) “Now it’s time to stand strong in solidarity to send a message to district officials and to the state that enough is enough.”

    In March, Governor Rick Snyder okayed emergency funding that’s keeping the district operating through the end of the school year as lawmakers consider a debt restructuring plan.

    Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.