Verizon Workers on Strike

    About 40,000 of those workers walked off the job Wednesday morning up and down the East coast.

    FOX’s Tonya J. Powers reports:

    I talked to some of the striking landline and cable workers here in New York City today:

    (Protesters) “What do we want? Contracts! When do we want it? Now!”

    They’ve got signs that say “fighting against corporate greed” and the ones holding the signs represent many different Verizon jobs:

    (Woman) “We’ve got the field technicians, we’ve got central office technicians, we’ve got administrative assistants.”

    They tell me they’re upset because Verizon wants to freeze pensions, among other things.

    Verizon says there are health care issues that have to be addressed because medical costs have grown. The strikers tell me they’ll keep this up as long as it takes.

    In New York City, Tonya J. Powers, FOX News.