Brain-Eating Amoeba Rattles Nerves in Louisiana

    (AP Photo/Center For Disease Control)
    (AP Photo/Center For Disease Control)

    Residents of a New Orleans suburb are getting a bit nervous about their water supply now that health officials have found evidence of a brain-eating amoeba.

    FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown reports:

    Bottled water is flying off the shelves in Saint Bernard Parish, outside New Orleans, now that health department workers confirmed the presence of the naegleria fowleri amoeba… Which can attack your brain matter if you’re infected. It’s the same amoeba that took the life a four-year-old Mississippi boy last month. Turns out he got infected while visiting Saint Bernard Parish. Health officials though say the water is safe to drink… But don’t use it to clean your nostrils or sinuses, as that’s how the amoeba can get to your head.

    Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.