Discussions Continue Over Syria


    The White House briefs key members on Congress on Syria but some members say that’s not enough.

    FOX News Radio’s Mike Majchrowitz reports from the White House:

    The administration briefed key members of Congress in a teleconference late Thursday. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel says the goal was not to win over members.

    (Hagel) “The objective was to give the leaders of the Congress an update.”

    In Congress opinions on military intervention are split — and not along party lines. California House Republican Buck McKeon, Chair of the Armed Services Committee, says the President also needs Congress to vote on intervention.

    (McKeon) “The President is going to have to make his case to the Congress and the American people.”

    Meanwhile the administration expected to release a declassified public version of its Syria intelligence later today.

    At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.