Full-Face Transplant Recipient Speaks

    Lye Attack Face Transplant.JPEG-0ffc0

    A Vermont woman horribly disfigured in 2007, speaks out after becoming the fifth person to get a full face transplant in Boston.

    FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:

    Six years ago, Carmen Tarleton’s estranged husband doused her with a chemical, burning more than 80% of her body, horribly disfiguring her face. Now she has a new one.


    Tarleton: “A tremendous gift.”

    A gift the 44 year-old Vermont woman says is:

    Tarleton: Making a significant difference in my quality of life.”

    Still struggling to speak after the February transplant:

    Pomahac: “Over the next three to six months, Carmen can expect to gain more control over the muscles in her face.”

    Then after that:

    Pomahac: “Sensation will begin to return.”

    And Doctor Bohdan Pomahac at Boston’s Brigham And Women’s Hospital adds:

    Pomahac: “Of course I’m biased, but I think she really looks great.”

    So does the daughter of the donor who says she’s overjoyed to see her mother’s skin and freckles on Tarleton’s face.

    Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.