Should The U.S. Government Pay for Hasan’s Defense Experts?


    A Military Judge is considering whether or not the U.S. Government should pay for Defense Experts in the trial of the Army Psychiatrist accused of the Fort Hood shootings.

    FOX News Radio’s Eben Brown has the story:

    Army Major Nidal Hasan and his lawyers were back in a Military Court today at Fort Hood asking the judge to have the U.S. Government pay for both a Jury Consultant and Pre-Trial Publicity Expert.  The Attorneys say they need the extra help because Hasan is facing the death penalty if convicted of thirteen murders and thirty-two attempted murders during the Fort Hood Massacre.  Army Prosecutors say the expense isn’t necessary.  The Judge has yet to rule.  Hasan’s court-martial is slated for March.

    Eben Brown, FOX News Radio.